Friday, June 5, 2009

Stuff. Just Stuff.

We only have like 12 days left of school!! I'm so ready for summer, I mean, who isn't? The only thing is is that Jenna, Angie, Taylor and I need to finish our movie for Block. No, scratch that, we need to start our movie. We're shooting it today after school in the cafeteria. Our movie is about people in an insane house. It's called 'Mime Mind'. I play Venus, the main character who has the mind of a mime. Every so often, boxes fall on her head and she starts freaking out. But everyone thinks she's crazy because they can't see the boxes, only Venus and Aly. Brittani plays Tina, Venus' best friend, who is in a straight jacket. She always is trying to calm Venus down whenever the occasional box falls on Venus' head. Taylor plays Lucy, the bully who is always telling Venus' to shut up whenever Venus starts freaking out. Bree plays Aly, who has the same eyes as Venus. Only her and Venus can see the boxes. So Aly knows how Venus feels. Aly and Tina are always sticking up for Venus.
I'm getting a Tan line! Woo! :)
The ends of my hair are dry and icky. I think I'm gong to get them cut off. And get a short hair cut. I don't like my hair sometimes. It doesn't always go with what I want it to do. It's like it has a mind of it's own. 
I graduate on the 19th! Karissa graduates on the 13th. I can't believe she's graduating and going to college!!!!! She's going to Eastern Washington University (EWU). She starting in the fall and I'll be the big sister in the house. Just Landon, my mom, dad, and I. Landon's moving into Karissa's room, and I think we're keeping the "temporary" wall up and using the room for storage and as a computer room. I want a new bed!!! I have a loft bed and it sucks when it's hot at night. 
I'm getting braces sometime in July. On the 26th of June I have to go to the dentist to get molds done. Molds are nasty and they make you gag. I've had molds done before because I had a tooth pulled and they wanted to mold my mouth... I don't get why. 
Landon is getting into everything. We put up a gate on the steps on our deck so he can go outside and play. 
I'm doing the Talent Show. I'm singing Heaven by DJ Sammy (I was gonna do the original version by Bryan Adams but I can't have the background music because Mr. Ratiken says I can't have the background music... which is stupid) So I got the piano sheet music off the internet and gave it to Ms. Foley so she could play it for me. 

Well I think I've written enough for the day. BYE!

Monday, May 11, 2009

My Presentation

Did you stand up straight but stay relaxed?
Yes, I stood up straight but I was relaxed.

Did you pause for a moment before you began your speech?
No, I started right as soon as I got up there.

Did you look at your audience?
I mostly was looking at my slides because I didn't remember the information :|

Did you let your facial expressions naturally reflect what you were saying?
No, I didn't use facial expressions.

Did you use your hands?
No, I didn't use my hands.

Did you speak loudly enough so that everyone could hear you?
Yes, I spoke loudly and clearly and everyone could here me.

Did you change your tone to show how you felt (upset, excited) about an idea or to emphasize a point?
Yes, I changed my tone.

Was your speed of delivery too fast, too slow or just right?
My delivery was just right.

Did you practice your speech at home before giving it?
No, I didn't practice... that's why I kept looking at my slides. But I should have. My presentation would have gone WAAAAAAAAAY better.

What did you notice that you did well in your speech?
I talked loudly and clearly. I also stood up straight.
Describe one aspect of public speaking you will work to improve?
I need to practice before I give a presentation. I also need to work on looking at my audience more.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Lucas Cruikshank

Hair- his hair is a shield which hides his forehead.
Eyes- his eyes are two perfectly round chocolate cookies.
Ears- his ears are little half pears.
Mouth- his mouth is an opening for his amazing voice.
Nose- his nose is a bridge connecting one side of his face to the other.
Forehead- his forehead is a forebidden area.
Cheeks- his ckeeks are squishy little pillows.
Teeth- his teeth are sparkly little pearls.
Skin- his skin is a sculpture, carved out of clay.

I have an unhealthy obsession with Lucas.

Monday, March 23, 2009


Oh my! Delicious!
Sooooooo goooooood!
The best breakfast substitute ever!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Frontier House Application

Frontier House
Family Name:

Langley Middle School

Open answer questions (attach additional pages. All questions must be answered.):
What attracted you to this project?
I really feel this project would make me stronger, show me what a real work ethic is like.

What hobbies and interests do you have?
I love to crochet blankets, and scarfs, and hats. I can fish, and clean the fish.

What image do you have of pioneer living?
The man, outside building, and fishing. The woman, inside cooking for her family.

What's the most challenging thing you and your family (or group) have experienced?
Getting along. Most of the time we can talk without biting each others head off.

If you were chosen what do you think you would most miss about modern life?
21st century food, and other necessities.

What qualities do you and your family have that make you suited to this experience?
Well, we can manage getting along.

What skills do you have that may help you?
Fishing, cooking, and crocheting.

What would you hope to get out of the experience?
Learning what it was like to live in the 1800's. Learning new skills with this project.

What do you think will be the most difficult challenge of pioneer life?
The winter, and all it has to offer.

What skills would you like to learn from the experience?
I hope I will learn to get better at cooking from scratch, and not just a box.

We'd like you to tell us:
What interests you about this project?
Basically just the whole thing, learning new skills.

Do you have any concerns about your participation?
Not really.

How much do you know about your family history -- do you have pioneer roots?
My great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather came over to America on the May Flower.

How did you hear about Frontier House?
My teacher thought we would really like it (most of the time when he says that it's not true) and he forced us to watch it in class.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Intimate Conversation Poem

Dear Marshmellow
I'm sorry you left.
Sorry Skittles ate your head.
I wish you
would come back.

I cried hard
the day you died.
Sitting there
at your cold
dead body.

It was mostly
my fault.
I didn't feed you

If I was more
with my pets,
you'd still be

Please know
that I'm really

Please don't
hate me
up there
in rat heaven.

No other rat
could replace you.
I love you Marshmellow.
I really do...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

This is Just to Say...

I took
your pen.
I didn't have
to write with.

It was probably
the only
writing utensil
you had.

Using your pen
was like floating
on a cloud.

Forgive me
I really needed
that pen
because now
my paper is done.