Thursday, November 13, 2008

What I did while my parents were in California without me

Last friday, my mom, dad, and little brother Landon, left for Californa. Without me. I was left with my sister because of stupid school. Ok, so sometimes school isnt so stupid but it is when you are left alone with your older sister and cant go to San Diego. They came back last night about 9:30ish. They brought me a tie-dye tshirt that said San Diego. Im wearing it right now under my blue and white warm up soccer jacket. They also got me earings. I totally forgot that I asked my mom to get me earings when she she asked me what I wanted. My mom has the same ones except they're a little bigger and blue. Mine are pink. My mom also got us both (my mom and me) the same pink ones, but they're triangles. I love my mommy and daddy and little brother. I was alone most of the days they were gone. I basically sat home for 5 hours on sunday all by my self. I sat on the couch and cried for like 10 minutes because I couldn't stand being alone for that long. I tried doing fun stuff like watching movies, and going on the computer, but after while, it all got boring. I started watching a movie called "Rest Stop: Don't Look Back" but stopped after like 15 minutes because it way too gory for me. I watched re-runs of about every single show in the entire world. Ok maybe it was only ABC Family. But it seemed like a crap load of T.V. I was bored to tears. On Friday-Saturday I went over to Shaina's house. We rode her horses and I jumped a jump that was like 2 feet high. But give me a break, it was my first time. On Monday, after soccer, I went over to the CMA Church for the last hour of Middle School Monday. After that, my friend, Niki, and I rode the transit home. She asked if I wanted to spend the night because there was no school on Tuesday because it was Veteran's Day. I said sure and she asked her mom and she said yes. I called my sister and she said she didn't care. So that was my semi boring time while my parents were in California without me.