Thursday, February 26, 2009

What Am I?

I am a blast of cold
sitting on top of a pedistal.
I taste like a heavenly gift.
I am a colorful rainbow.
You may want a scarf when you eat me.
What am I?

(Highlight below for the answer)

Ice cream

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What if...

What if
You lived on the moon?
You would never need to use a spoon.
What if you lived on a cloud?
You could be extremely loud.
What if your hair was hay?
You it would be really hot in May.
What if you were a cow?
It would be hard to take a bow.
What if you had no school?
Life would be kinda cool.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Awesome Sci-Fi Monster Picture Things

Alright. So we just finished our Sci-Fi Monsters that were really cool and amazing. My momster's name is Shnobba. Which in mine and Jenna's little language means thank you (clap clap). Don't ask why. We also had to write a description of our monster's. Then we turned them in to B. Then, he passed them out randomly to people so they could try to draw them... (key word: try) I got Maddie H's. Her monster's name is Curly Cue. I don't think I'm a very good drawer. Well, let's put it this way, I suck monkey butt when it comes to drawing. So anyways... I'm not really sure who got mine... and now I feel rejected.. But not really at the same time. So I hope you totally enjoy the wonderful drawings below!!