Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Life Graph

When I was in Kindergarten, my friends and I were a little mean to the other kids on the monkey bars. We would wait until a kid was on, then we would cut in front of them by jumping from the side. We would all laugh except the kids on the monkey bars. One of my friends jump to the farthest bar and I thought it was cool. So I tried it. I didn't make it and landed on a huge chunk of wood. I was crying so hard that I couldn't see where I was walking. My friend, Tess, saw the blood on my face, and puked. I got escorted to the nurse's office and got pop-sickle. The nurse asked if my sister, Karissa, was at school today, and I said yes, she was. Then she asked me if I wanted her to come down with me. I said yes and the nurse went to call the Intermediate School for my sister. She got a pop-sickle also, and we waited for my dad to come.
Tess also went home because she puked. When my dad was signing me out of school, he said, "Tess got sick, and Chelby gets pop-sickles." I laughed and then we left. It does not feel good to have a fat lip.
Needless to say, I never did cut in front kids on the monkey bars ever again.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Imagine this.... It's about 9:00 pm and there's a huge storm. The wind is blowing hard and crazily. Lightning is coming down all around you. And your sitting out there with your mom and dad sitting on a metal table. Scary huh? Not! It was our last night in Snake River up in Eastern Washington. It was awesome. I was trying to take some pictures of the lightning. I couldn't get a single shot because the lightning is way too fast for my camera. Then I realized that the camera has video on it. I switch from pictures to video. I'm talking about what's going on and hoping to get some lighting on video. I'm talking for about 2 minutes and then FLASH!! Lightning!! I finally got it on camera. The coolest thing ever. It was a purpleish pink color. I thought it was cool enough to put on my blog and I hope you think so too! Comment back on the video!! BYE!

Discovery Cove

On October 21st, my mom, dad, grandma, and I went to Florida. It was kind of like birthday present to me but not really. I thought I was just going to be going on tons of awesome rides and get my picture taken just about a million times with Disney characters, but no. I had a lot more in store then just that.
The first day we got to our condo/trailor, we went to go get food. we stopped at the gate and my mom went up to "talk to the person in the booth". I saw a lady that looked a lot like Joyce, my grandma's cousin. I asked if that was her and my dad said no. But my mom was talking to her. Hmmmmm. Weird. So then when my mom got back to the car we started up the car and left.
When we got back, I was really tired and so I went to go lay on my grandma's bed. I looked out the window and saw Jackson and Joyce. I thought maybe it wasn't them, but then they got closer and closer. I was sure my mom didn't want me to see that they were coming, so I pretended like I didn't see them.

When they got to the door, my mom called me out into the living room. I went out there and saw Joyce and Jackson. I was "suprised". It was awkward because I'm really shy with new people. And so was Jackson.

The first few days were awesome, what with being in Florida and all. About the third day, My mom woke me up and told me to put my bathing suit on under my clothes. I didn't really know why, but I didn't ask questions. My mom and dad put their bathing suits on also, and we were off to where ever. When finally we got to the mysterious place, the questions started flowing out like a water fall. "Where are we?" and "What are we doing here?" My mom handed me a brochure and my jaw just about dropped to the floor. We were at Discovery Cove. The place where people can snorkel in the warm river, swim with tropical fish in the salty lagoon, or make arrangements to swim with dolphins. We got in, got our water-proof photo badges, and were on our way to get our wet suits. Everything digestable was free. It was awesome. A dream come true. Then I found out I was going to be swimming with a dolphin!! I was SO excited!

The dolphin, Latoya, was beautiful. She may have had scratches, but she was a gorgeous blue. I got to swim on her dorsal fin, feed her a fish, play tricks on her, and even kiss her!! It was so cool.
After we were all tired, we HAD to leave. It was most definately a day I will never forget.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My Baby Brother Landon

My brother Landon was born on Jan. 31st at 11:26 p.m. He's about 8 months old now and is growing like a weed. He's already wearing 18mo clothes. He has reddish-brown hair and gorgeous, big, blue eyes. He loves to roll around on the floor and play with his toys. He always has his cloth diaper and loves to try and eat it. It's the cutest thing in the world when he makes talking noises. Once, I swear I heard him say "yay". He's very ticklish on his thighs and stomach. He loves to be thrown up and down, and swung around in circles. When my family was on vacation, we went to a park. We put Landon in a baby swing, and pushed him slowly. He wasn't very amuzed. My dad pushed a little harder and Landon was laughing like crazy.
He eats 2nd Food baby food. But is still on the formula.
The only time Landon cries is when he's really really hungry, or can't poop.
One time when my mom, grandma, aunt, Landon, and I were going to Idaho, Landon caught a cold and was not happy. He puked up all the formula and coughed a lot.
He's the cutest baby in the world.

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Chelby's Blog!!

Hey! Thanks for checking out my blog. It's new so there wont be much on for a while.