Thursday, September 18, 2008


Imagine this.... It's about 9:00 pm and there's a huge storm. The wind is blowing hard and crazily. Lightning is coming down all around you. And your sitting out there with your mom and dad sitting on a metal table. Scary huh? Not! It was our last night in Snake River up in Eastern Washington. It was awesome. I was trying to take some pictures of the lightning. I couldn't get a single shot because the lightning is way too fast for my camera. Then I realized that the camera has video on it. I switch from pictures to video. I'm talking about what's going on and hoping to get some lighting on video. I'm talking for about 2 minutes and then FLASH!! Lightning!! I finally got it on camera. The coolest thing ever. It was a purpleish pink color. I thought it was cool enough to put on my blog and I hope you think so too! Comment back on the video!! BYE!


Eva Seelye said...

Hey Chelby!
I havn't looked at your video yet, but it sounds pretty cool. I don't think i've ever seen purple/pink lightening before! That sounds awesome! I really like the picture of you kissing the dolphin. It's Cute!
<3 Eva :)

Mr. Bergquist said...

Post the picture of the lightning when you have the time.

JC said...

Hey Chelby. That sounds really fun. Lightning Storms are one of my fav. things! We get them every once in a while so that's great! I'm 14 now! Hurray!

Chelby said...

Hey guys, sorry the video isn't up yet. I've been trying to put it up on my blog, but it take like half an hour. I usually run out of computer time to put it up. I'll try to put it up soon. It's really cool. If I can't get it up on my blog, I'll bring my camera to school and show it to you personally. Thanks for commenting!!