Sunday, January 25, 2009

My Amazing Little Brother Landon Who Turns 1 Year Old In 5 Days

I know I've already done a post about my little brother, Landon, but this one is very special. He turns 1 year old in 5 days. I am SO excited. He gets to eat his very own cake. We are going to Alfys on January 31st. I'm very sorry I didn't invite you, but it's a family thing.... sucka. NO JUST KIDDING!! I AM!! Landon is now walking up against the couch, and is beginning to stand on his own!! It's the cutest thing in the world. If you have a digital camera that shows an orange light, and shine it at him, he'll squint his eyes and smile REALLY big. I LOVE HIM!!! COMMENT ME AND TELL ME HOW CUTE HE IS!!!


Meaghan said...
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Meaghan said...

OMG he is sooo cute! You're so lucky to have a little bro like him!I'm stuck with the 9 year old sister.=P

norah said...

Hi chelby. nice blog. your brother is so cute. i remember the day .he was born and you brought in the picture of him. aww he is a little cutie. HOw did his party go? Well your a good writer.
Have a nice day.

Phalen said...

He is just too cute for words! I think I got to see him one time at your older sisters soccer game. He was one of the cutest babies I have ever seen! I don't think I got to see him smile though. I really want to see him again!