Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Life Graph

When I was in Kindergarten, my friends and I were a little mean to the other kids on the monkey bars. We would wait until a kid was on, then we would cut in front of them by jumping from the side. We would all laugh except the kids on the monkey bars. One of my friends jump to the farthest bar and I thought it was cool. So I tried it. I didn't make it and landed on a huge chunk of wood. I was crying so hard that I couldn't see where I was walking. My friend, Tess, saw the blood on my face, and puked. I got escorted to the nurse's office and got pop-sickle. The nurse asked if my sister, Karissa, was at school today, and I said yes, she was. Then she asked me if I wanted her to come down with me. I said yes and the nurse went to call the Intermediate School for my sister. She got a pop-sickle also, and we waited for my dad to come.
Tess also went home because she puked. When my dad was signing me out of school, he said, "Tess got sick, and Chelby gets pop-sickles." I laughed and then we left. It does not feel good to have a fat lip.
Needless to say, I never did cut in front kids on the monkey bars ever again.


Eva Seelye said...

Hey Chelby!
Wow, it sounds like you had a rough time in Kindergarten. It reminds me of the time I came running around a corner at the same school and another kid ran into me and i got a fat lip. It hurt really bad! Well, it's a good thing you're not mean to the kids on the monkey bars anymore! I miss having a playground!

Meaghan said...

Oh My God! I remember Tess. I miss her so much!! I'm not so good on the monkey bars. they make my hands hurt.Ouch!!

Unknown said...

Wow about the popsicles i got anoyed.You should probably write the story about the other events